145 Mile Race
Held under UK:Athletics rules and with the kind permission of British
Waterways, this non-stop race is from Gas Street Basin, Birmingham,
along the way-marked Grand Union Canal Towpath to Little Venice,
London. Competitors are recommended to have their own support
crews, but up to 40 unsupported runners can be catered for by the
Organiser. Previous finishers have found Britain's longest annual race
seemingly tougher than many ultra distance events of similar distance.
Course Records: Men: 27:35 Claude Hardel (Unsupported 2003)
Ladies: 31:25 Vicky Skelton (2007).
British Waterways trophy for 1st Man and 1st Lady; certificate and memento for each finisher.
N.B. This event:
- is minimum support, but with feed points at 11, 22, 36, 54, 70, 85, 100, 120 and 133 miles for unsupported runners. (Drinks available for all competitors at these points).
- has no first aid or medical backup, but provides transport for retiring unsupported entrants.
- welcomes support crews throughout, and buddies (on foot only) after 70 miles.
- has a 70 mile cut off of 19 hours and an overall time-limit of 45 hours (i.e. to finish by 0300 hours on Monday 26th).
- is strictly limited to 90 starters in total, on a first-come-first-served basis.
- The full distance must be completed on foot.
- Competitors must reach the Navigation Bridge (No 64) checkpoint at 70.5 miles within 19 hours, i.e. by 0100 hours on Sunday.
- All Competitors must notify Race HQ (Tel. 01635 578536) immediately on retiring or if they drop behind a schedule in line with the cut-off time. (Race HQ telephone is manned 45 hours throughout the event and will accept transfer-charge calls from runners if necessary.)
- Competitors may enter vehicles for warmth, rest and nourishment, but will be disqualified if the vehicle moves (unless going to the aid of another runner). Competitors will be deemed to have retired if stopped for more than 40 minutes at any one time.
- All competitors must display their race number to the front. It will be recorded at checkpoints en route. Runners must also carry a mobile phone or cash/phone card for calls to HQ; and have the financial means to sustain themselves in the event of breakdown of support vehicle.
- All entrants must carry a foil ‘space’ blanket. Unsupported entrants must carry GEOproject maps 1&3.
- Unsupported runners may have a maximum of 2 clearly labelled kit bags.
- Competitors and crews must accept full responsibility for their actions (see Terms & Conditions).
- Entrants must undertake to inform the organiser if unable to take part (see Notes for Intending Entrants)
All competitors are advised to purchase the GEOprojects Grand Union Canal Maps No. 1 (ISBN 0-86351-143-0) and No. 3 (ISBN 0-86351-141-4) giving useful route information for runners and crews.
Entry fee: £30 Supported (own crew); £50 Unsupported (tended by organisers). (Add £2 if Unattached)
Please make cheques payable to R Kearn. Overseas entries only may pay on the day.
Before entering please read the Terms & Conditions and Notes for Intending Entrants
N.B. Entries are only accepted on official forms. These are available by post from: Dick Kearn, 16 Burrell Road, Compton, NEWBURY, Berkshire RG20 6NS; or email from dickjan@talk21.com
