Notes > News
Latest news and information from the organisers
18/03/2019 -
Calling all past and present competitors and helpers. You are invited to a Reunion Party to celebrate the 25th running of the race, in Birmingham, on 27th April this year. Click the blue header for details.
01/11/2018 -
This site is now old news!
As of 1st November 2018, for all things GUCR (as well as KACR and LLCR) please go to
- How to Enter, Results and History are all available there.
30/08/2018 -
2019 Canalrace Entries now Open
SiEntries is now accepting entries for the 2019 GUCR 145 Birmingham - London 25th Anniversary Edition, KACR 145 Bristol - London 3rd Edition and LLCR 130 Liverpool - Leeds 6th Edition. [Updated 27th September]
29/08/2018 -
Canalslam 2018 Results
Nine runners completed all three Canalrace events to complete the 'Canalslam'. Stu Wilkie takes the 2018 title and Fiona becomes the first ever female finisher.
29/08/2018 -
LLCR 2018 Results
After a race-long duel with Alex, Stu stormed in to take his first CanalRace win and the Canalslam top slot. Wendy set her second course record of the season with her win. Fiona became our only Female Slammer. Congratulations to all finishers.
31/07/2018 -
KACR 2018 Results
Fabio Rizzo Cascio wins in 28h 49m and Wendy Shaw becomes the new ladies record holder, finishing in 32h 46m
01/07/2018 -
2019 Canalrace Series Dates
The dates are set for the 2019 GUCR 145 Birmingham - London 25th Anniversary Edition, KACR 145 Bristol - London 3rd Edition and LLCR 130 Liverpool - Leeds 6th Edition
27/05/2018 -
GUCR 2018 Provisional Results
After a lightning start, Paul Maskell maintained his lead all the way to the finish with a winning time of 25h 35m
26/05/2018 -
GUCR 2018 Retirements
98 runners made it to the Start at Gas Street on Saturday morning. However, the following will not, unfortunately, be making it to the Finish:
23/03/2018 -
LLCR 2018 Provisional Entry List
Below is the provisional list of runners for the 5th Leeds & Liverpool Canal 130 mile Race, Summer Bank Holiday weekend, starting at 06:00 on Saturday 25th August 2018 from Old Hall St, Liverpool. Best wishes (on behalf of Dick), Keith. p.s places still available!
16/12/2017 -
KACR 2018 Provisional Entry List
Below is the provisional list of runners for the 2nd Bristol - London, Kennet & Avon Canal 145 mile Race starting at 06:00 on FRIDAY 27th July 2018 from Bristol Temple Meads. Best wishes, Keith. p.s limited places are still available [updated 27th March]
10/11/2017 -
GUCR 2018 Provisional Entry List
Thanks go to Carl Graham, Paul Mason, Glyn Raymen, Steve Snow, Dick, Jan, Maisy and Cathy for their assistance at the draw this evening. Below is the provisional list of runners for GUCR 2018 drawn from the 193 entries. Keith
29/08/2017 -
2018 Canalrace Series Dates
The dates are set for the 2018 GUCR 145, KACR 145 and LLCR 130 [updated 6th January]
29/08/2017 -
Canalslam 2017 Results
17 runners completed all three Canalrace events to complete the 'Canalslam'. Below shows individual finish times for the GUCR 145, KACR 145 and LLCR 130 as well as the accumulated total time.
29/08/2017 -
LLCR 2017 Results
Paul Ali and Paul Beechey crossed the line together to become joint winners in 22h 24m, while Georgina Harrison did it again taking her 2nd Canalrace win of the year in 29h 37m
24/08/2017 -
KACR 2017 Results
After 2nd place at the GUCR, Paul Beechey went one step better to win the inaugural KACR 145 Bristol - London in a time of 25h 48m
28/05/2017 -
GUCR 2017 Provisional Results
Sergey Ionov wins in 24h 54m and Cat Simpson becomes the new ladies record holder, finishing in 27h 26m
27/05/2017 -
GUCR 2017 Retirements
107 runners made it to the Start at Gas Street Saturday morning. However, the following will not, unfortunately, be making it to the Finish:
12/02/2017 -
LLCR 2017 Provisional Entry List
Below is the provisional list of runners for the 4th Liverpool - Leeds 130 mile Canal Race on Saturday 26th August 2017 starting at 06:00 from Old Hall Street. Note places are still available.
10/12/2016 -
KACR 2017 Provisional Entry List
Below is the provisional list of runners for the 1st Bristol - London, Kennet & Avon Canal 145 mile Race on FRIDAY 28th July 2017 starting at 06:00 from Bristol Temple Meads. Best wishes, Keith. p.s limited places are still available
11/11/2016 -
GUCR 2017 Provisional Entry List
Thank you to Baz Taylor, Gin Lawson, Mark Haynes, Glyn Raymen, Dick Kearn, Maisy and Cathy for their company and assistance for the draw tonight. Below is the provisional list of runners for GUCR 2017 drawn from the 215 entries. Best. Keith
01/07/2016 -
LLCR, KACR, GUCR & Canalslam 2017 Entry
2017 KACR, GUCR and Canalslam series entrants should Pre-register on SiEntries. Or request entry information from Keith. For the LLCR Pre-register on SiEntries or contact Dick. Note our new Canalrace C.I.C. email addresses below.
27/06/2016 -
LLCR 130 2016 places available
We've had a few withdrawals so if you know of anyone who fancies a longish run over the August Bank Holiday weekend - dickjan@talk21.com is the email address to contact. Thanks, Dick.
17/06/2016 -
Canal Race News
New event and new Community Interest Company formed.
29/05/2016 -
GUCR 2016 Provisional Results
After two previous attempts at entering it was a case of third time lucky for Andy Jordan, who stormed down the canalpath to finish in 25h 49m to be greeted by his very enthusiastic support crew. As the first 'first-time finisher', Andy Jordan is also the winner of this year's 'Run for your Life' trophy, kindly donated by Steve Philips (Dick's 'one in the bank').
28/05/2016 -
GUCR 2016 Retirements
98 runners made it to the Start at Gas Street Saturday morning. However, the following will not, unfortunately, be making it to the Finish:
07/11/2015 -
GUCR 2016 Provisional Entry List
Thank you to Glyn Raymen and Simon Prytherch for their presence and assistance with the draw tonight. Below is the provisional list of runners for GUCR 2016 drawn from the 227 entries. Note the names at the bottom of the page to the left. Best. Keith [Updated: 28th April 2016]
13/07/2015 -
GUCR 2016 will start at 06:00 on 28th May
The date is set for the 2016 Grand Union Canal Race - 06:00 Saturday 28th May 2016, Spring Bank Holiday weekend. Intending entrants should request entry information from keith.godden@canalrace.org putting GUCR in the subject line. [Updated 13th October 2015]
31/05/2015 -
GUCR 2016
Stewardship of the 2016 Canal Race is now in the hands of Keith Godden. Enquiries regarding entry to GUCR 2016 should be made to keith.godden@gmail.com
I trust all past and present members of the "GUCR Family" will join me in wishing Keith all the very best in taking GUCR forward. Kind Regards, Dick.
25/05/2015 -
GUCR 2015 Thank you.
Many thanks to all Runners, Supporters and Volunteers for making the Twenty-first Race such fun. I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and have not suffered any long term damage as a result of your exertions. I still have much unpacking and storage of equipment to do, so please don't expect immediate responses to post-race tee-shirt orders or lost property returns. I aim to answer all emails to dickjan@talk21.com eventually. Best wishes, Dick.
24/05/2015 -
GUCR 2015 Provisional Results
Dan Lawson stormed down the canal, finishing in a record time of 22 hours 16 minutes, with Mark Perkins hot on his heels.
22/05/2015 -
GUCR 2015 Retirements
Although 100 runners made it to the Start at Gas Street Saturday morning,the following will not, unfortunately, be making it to the Finish:
04/02/2015 -
Not news. Pics from 2014
06/09/2014 -
Paul Ali's 2014 Grand Union Race Report e-zine
Paul has produced a fabulous e-zine of GUCR 2014. It is an epic production including many images; stories from competitors and crews; and even a bit of history of the event origins. The pdf can be downloaded via this link
Beware it is a time bandit!!
27/08/2014 -
GUCR 2015 will start at 0600 on 23rd May
The date is set for next year's canal race. Intending entrants should politely request entry information from dickjan@talk21.com putting GUCR in the subject line.
Please don't expect immediate replies, but if you have not heard anything by mid-October, do get in touch.
04/06/2014 -
Andrew Woodrow wins the Steve Philips Trophy
Finishing fourth overall, in 30hrs 22 minutes, Andrew was the first, first-time GUCR runner to reach Little Venice this year. Unfortunately I was not able to make the presentation at the Finish, so he will receive the "Run For Your Life" as soon as possible.
25/05/2014 -
No 477 Pat Robbins (Zoom Tri Club) has won the GUCR 2014 in a time of 26:20.
Provisional results:
24/05/2014 -
GUCR 14 - 110 Starters
110 Runners set off from Gas Street Saturday morning.
The following list of retirements will be updated throughout the weekend:
08/05/2014 -
Latest Entry List
In the main body is listed the current entry for 2014.
Click the blue heading to view.
11/01/2014 -
We're now on Twitter
Thanks are due to Keith G for initiating accounts for both canal races. You can now keep in touch via
https://twitter.com/GUCR145 and https://twitter.com/LLC130
27/12/2013 -
The Canal Race goes North
We have decided to push ahead with Wayne's idea for a Liverpool to Leeds Canal Race. It will be approximately 130 miles long and will start at 4am on Saturday 23rd August 2014.
22/07/2013 -
GUCR 2014 will begin at 6am on 24th May
The date for the Twentieth Grand Union Canal 145 mile race has been set. Intending entrants should email dickjan@talk21.com before 31st October to receive an entry form on 1st November. Click on blue heading for more
26/05/2013 -
GUCR 2013 Provisional Results
As the first 'first-time finisher' James Elson, who was first past the post in 29 hrs 10 mins, is also the winner of this year's 'Run for your Life' trophy, kindly donated by Steve Philips (Dick's 'one in the bank').
25/05/2013 -
GUCR 2013 - Retirees
Unfortunately, the following have had to cut short their planned journey along the Grand Union Canal:
05/06/2012 -
Massive thanks to all involved.
To everyone involved in the 2012 edition of GUCR I wish simply to thank you all for your support. I am overwhelmed by the kindness everyone has shown in accepting the dreadful weather conditions and our limited facilities.
At the moment I am still suffering from lack of sleep and of course unpacking soaked equipment takes longer than when it's dry. I hope to catch up with all emails, t-shirt orders, key returns, certificates, checkpoint timings and the "Hall of Fame" before too long, but I hope you can bear with me in the meantime.
Very best wishes to you all, Dick.
03/06/2012 -
Victorious, Happy and Glorious!
Garscube Harriers' Debbie Martin-Consani wins the 'triple crown' this Jubilee weekend - 1st Finisher; 1st Lady; and recipient of the Steve Philips 'Run for your Life' Trophy (awarded to the first first-time finisher) in a new ladies' record time of 28 hours 1 minute!
02/06/2012 -
97 starters at Gas Street
A total of 97 runners were at the Start at Gas Street this morning.
The following is a list of reported retirements, in the order in which they have been notified to me, but not necessarily in chronological order:
21/04/2012 -
The best GUCR news ever.
Steve Phillips, who collapsed during GUCR 2009 and was diagnosed to have four tumours that could have caused his sudden death had they remained undetected, is now well enough to be running again. Despite prolonged intensive therapy and suffering many setbacks, including a major stroke, Steve will be running the Manchester Marathon at the end of April as a prelude to an incredible Coast to Coast attempt in June.
22/02/2012 -
2012 Entry List shortened.
The 3 listed entrants who have not paid the entry fee or made contact to defer payment, have been removed from the entry list.
02/09/2011 -
The Eighteenth GUCR will start at 6am on 2nd June 2012
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations mean that the 2012 race will begin a week later than usual. Entry fees are held at £45 for runners with their own support and £70 for the unsupported runners that we look after. For entry details, click on the blue headline .
29/05/2011 -
Pat Robbins wins GUCR 2011! Full Result.
Pat Robbins (Zoom Tri Club) has once again smashed his own GUCR record, and achieved his fourth consecutive win, in a time of 25hrs 37mins. Dick reports he was "going like a train" as he crossed the line, looking like he was out for a normal Sunday morning sprint!
1st Lady, and 3rd overall, Claire Shelley is this year's winner of the 'Steve Phillips Run for Life Trophy' as the first, first-time finisher.
28/05/2011 -
GUCR 2011 Retirees
There were 92 starters at Gas Street Saturday morning. Unfortunately, the following have had to retire:
16/10/2010 -
Marvellous Mimi's at it again!
Mimi Anderson has just set a new world 7 day treadmill record in aid of Help for Heroes. Updates and a video of her 2010 GUCR success at www.marvellousmimi.com and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7KScazG3Ko
30/05/2010 -
Pat Robbins has defended his title, and equalled his own record set last year, crossing the Finish line at Little Venice in a time of 26hrs and 24 minutes. Mimi Anderson smashed the ladies record to finish in 28hrs and 12mins.(Click title to view Result.)
The winner of the Steve Phillips "Run For Life" Trophy for the first first-time GUCR runner to finish, was Robert Treadwell.
22/07/2009 -
Another new site for Ultrarunners
Two times canalrunner Brian New, has provided this link to a his new site aimed at those of us inclined towards the longer distances.
22/05/2009 -
2009 Result
Pat Robbins has smashed his own GUCR record, completing the 2009 event in 26hrs:24mins.
24/02/2009 -
New Ultra Scene Website
Keith Godden, one of this year's entrants, has provided a link to his site that will be of interest to all ultrarunners. Go to www.ultramarathonrunning.com to see what I mean.
25/05/2008 -
Pat Robbins (Zoom Tri Club) has set a new GUCR record at 27:01.
24/05/2008 -
29 GUCR08 Finishers
29 out of the 75 runners who started at Gas Street on Saturday morning have made it to the Finish at Little Venice.
24/04/2008 -
Problems Obtaining GEOprojects Maps
Neil Ratcliffe at the Canal Shop now has the GEOprojects maps 1 & 3 available. You can shop online from
17/05/2007 -
Paddington Hotels
One or two entrants have asked about cheap hotels within a reasonable distance of the Finish. Since posting a request yesterday, Jason has emailed with details listed in the main body of this item. Many thanks Jason.