The Eighteenth GUCR will start at 6am on 2nd June 2012

Notes > News > The Eighteenth GUCR will start at 6am on 2nd June 2012

by Dick Kearn

The Eighteenth GUCR will start at 6am on 2nd June 2012

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations mean that the 2012 race will begin a week later than usual. Entry fees are held at £45 for runners with their own support and £70 for the unsupported runners that we look after. For entry details, click on the blue headline .

Intending competitors should contact Dick Kearn by email,, or by sending a stamped self addressed envelope to GUCR 2012 C/O 16, Burrell Road, COMPTON, RG20 6NS before 29/10/2011.

Full pre-race information will be emailed towards the end of October. This information will be included with entry forms for postal applications. All applicants will receive entry forms on 1st November. Please note that completed forms will only be accepted from applications prior to 29th October and that copies are not accepted.

Forms should be returned by 5th November. There will be a draw for 110 places on Sunday 6th and a full list of successful entrants published here on Monday 7th. A further 30 places will be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. It is anticipated that this 140 total, made up of 70 supported and 70 unsupported runners, will reduce by "natural wastage" to 100 by race-day.

In a big change from previous years, there will be NO waiting list. Should the total entry unexpectedly fall well below the 100 maximum, notice will appear here and last minute applications accepted on a first come first served basis. This change should make it easier for entrants to plan their year and save the organiser a lot of time and effort. Please do not pester me for late places unless they are shown to be available on this site.

I am sorry if this entire item seems a bit serious and heartless but the event takes a great deal of my time and I am simply trying to make everything unambiguous. Thank you for your interest.
Best Wishes, Dick.